What is your role at OSC?
Physician Liaison, I have worked at OSC for 6 years.

Where are you from and what is your Educational Background?
I was born in New York but raised in Charlotte. I am a NC State grad with a degree in Social Work.

Why did you choose to work in Healthcare and/or Oncology/Hematology?
I was working as a Social Worker at Presbyterian Hospital and realized how much I loved the healthcare aspect of taking care of patient needs and helping others.

What are your hobbies and interests?
Running, hiking, kayaking, biking; pretty much I love all things outdoors! I also recently started taking violin lessons.

What is your favorite charity?
I lost a child when she was just an infant. I founded a non-profit called Our Children's Memorial Walkway to support and honor parents who have lost children. Learn more at www.ocmw.org

What is your guilty pleasure?
Sweets…I love birthday cake!!

What is in your Netflix queue?
Cobra Kai and Atypical

Ice cream time: Vanilla or Chocolate?

Beach or Mountains? BEACH! I love the heat and the ocean. I look at the ocean and feel so free.

If you could go to lunch with someone famous, who would it be?
Ellen DeGeneres

published: June 7, 2021, 7:25 a.m.

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